While my childhood was marked by religious ceremonies and the significance of Easter means more than rabbits and chocolate, our multi-cultural world finds new ways to connect people and let them find joy together. I think everything can rest alongside everything else, in an "everything in moderation" sense....so this is a celebration of the secular side of Easter, the bright colours of silverfoil and exuberant decorations just because you can.......... I've added to my collection of ATCs and used a set of wooden egg shapes from Kaisercraft as my beginning. There are bows and glitter and lots of colours.... and if you look very carefully, there is in fact one rabbit, albeit a very tiny one. And the chocolate? That's lying in wait in the bowl.
Come over to Opus Gluei and see what the other Poobahs have made too....
These are such fun and colourful little Easter cards.
{Doing Life – my personal blog}